Thursday, February 05, 2009

Charleston Harbor Update

I am working on another block of the month quilt and just got caught up with the rounds today. I am home from work with a head cold so spent a little time puttering in my sewing room between naps.

I did not care for the what the pattern called for as the next round so I made up my own, go figure huh? Where I have hour glass blocks and a checkerboard border, the pattern called for a chain block (double 4 patch) and flying geese. It reminded me of a picket fence, so I changed it up.

Here is a close up of my revised round. As I worked on this I have come up with new ideas for the rest of the quilt too. I always think of patterns as merely suggestions to how the quilt could be made and not stead fast rules.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Bummer about the cold, I hope you feel better fast. But fun to sind some sewing time. It looks great & I like the hour glasses.